Division of the Work

Walking in Truth: called of GodIn our next study with the WALKING IN TRUTH radio audience, we will study from Nehemiah 3. We will study under the heading: DIVISION OF THE WORK. Without a doubt, Nehemiah was one of the greatest leaders of the Old Testament. There are many lessons to be learned in the field of leadership to be learned in this great book. We study together first the record of the builders from Nehemiah 3.1-32.  Then we look at some applications from the text. There are many names listed in this chapter of those who cooperated together to accomplish an amazing building task in just 52 days. The rebuilding of the walls of the city of Jersualem after they had been torn down by Nebuchadnezzar was a massive project. It was accomplished through dedication to and division of the work. Please listen to our study of this great chapter by clicking HERE 

Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit

SOURCE: World Video Bible School
World Video Bible School

The folks at World Video Bible School have enlisted Denny Petrillo to present a study of THE BLASPHEMY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. He has done a masterful job in answering this often studied question. Here is their description of the video…

Have you heard of the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Have you wondered if you have committed this sin? The study of the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is a fascinating one, but also a frightening one. The thought of doing something that would provoke eternal damnation is frightening indeed. Join Denny Petrillo (Ph.D.) as he focuses on three areas: (1) What does the word ‘blasphemy’ mean? (2) What is the context in which the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit occurred? (3) Is it possible to commit this sin today?

View it by clicking H-E-R-E.



Walking in Truth: called of God

We study together with our radio audience on 24 November from Ecclesiastes 1. We use the heading UNDER THE SUN. We began this study last Sunday and we complete the study today. I consider the message to be of extreme importance because it deals with a matter that many many people have difficulty understanding correctly. And yet, a proper understanding of this message will lead to the ABUNDANT LIFE God intends for you and me to have. Let’s study it together. You can hear the message by clicking HERE

Under the Sun–Vanity

Walking in Truth: called of GodWith our radio audience for 17 November 2019, we are continuing a study of “When First Things Come Second.” This is from the first chapter of Haggai. When we read and study from the Minor Prophets, it is like reading the “newspapers” of our own lives. When we consider it carefully, we find ourselves SO MUCH like they were in so many ways. We finish that study on this broadcast and we begin another study from the first chapter of Ecclesiastes. We find in that study that life UNDER THE SUN, though good and pleasant, has no real meaning apart from God. All is vanity when we leave God and the spiritual out of our lives! You can hear this 30-minute lesson by clicking HERE 

Truth 1911

Truth Journal for November 2019

It is always pleasant to find in the Email box the next issue of TRUTH from Roger D. Campbell. He is a great Bible student and he teaches God’s truth in an easily understood fashion. I have high regard for his love for lost souls and his dedicated work in both domestic and foreign fields of labor. Please take a look at these important studies. Always there are four excellent articles. This issue includes:

  1. Serious Questions about Truth and Knowledge
  2. 12 Truths about the Ten Commandments
  3. The Privilege of Citizenship in God’s Kingdom/Family
  4. Thomas: A Man Misunderstood/Misjudged

Please read this PDF file by clicking H-E-R-E.

When First Things Come Second

Walking in Truth: called of GodIt is always an interesting study to delve into the writings of the prophets. In the section of the Minor Prophets (minor ONLY because of the size of the scroll), many beautiful, challenging, and colorful word pictures are used. With our radio audience for 10 November 2019, we are finishing a study of Galatians 1, noting some lessons to learn from that good chapter. Then we begin a new study from the prophet Haggai. It was an interesting time that Haggai prophesied. It was the time often labeled as THE RESTORATION. There is a very powerful word picture used in the passage we study from Haggai 1.2-11. Haggai 1.5-6 speaks of PUTTING WAGES IN A BAG WITH HOLES IN IT. Putting wages in a bag with holes in it is NOT very wise. God’s people were not behaving with wisdom as their guide. They were in need of a prophet to help them do the right thing. You can study this passage with us by clicking

Lessons from Acts


  1. Seven Lessons from Acts 1… 19050502.4401
  2. Seven Lessons from Acts 2… 19051202.4402
  3. Seven Lessons from Acts 3… 19051902.4403
  4. Seven Lessons from Acts 4… 19052602.4404
  5. Seven Lessons from Acts 5… 19060202.4405
  6. Seven Lessons from Acts 6… 19060902.4406
  7. Seven Lessons from Acts 7… 19061602.4407
  8. Seven Lessons from Acts 8… 19063002.4408
  9. Seven Lessons from Acts 9… 19070702.4409
  10. Seven Lessons from Acts 10… 19072102.4410
  11. Seven Lessons from Acts 11… 19072805.4411
  12. Seven Lessons from Acts 12… 19102702.4412
  13. Seven Lessons from Acts 13… 19110302.4413
  14. Seven Lessons from Acts 14… PDF
  15. Seven Lessons from Acts 15… PDF
  16. Seven Lessons from Acts 16… PDF
  17. Seven Lessons from Acts 17… PDF
  18. Seven Lessons from Acts 18… PDF
  19. Seven Lessons from Acts 19… PDF
  20. Seven Lessons from Acts 20… PDF
  21. Seven Lessons from Acts 21… PDF
  22. Seven Lessons from Acts 22… PDF
  23. Seven Lessons from Acts 23… PDF
  24. Seven Lessons from Acts 24… PDF
  25. Seven Lessons from Acts 25… PDF
  26. Seven Lessons from Acts 26… PDF
  27. Seven Lessons from Acts 27… PDF
  28. Seven Lessons from Acts 28… PDF

Study of Galatians 1

Walking in Truth: called of GodOn Sunday, November 3, 2019, we are studying with our radio audience from Matthew 27.39-44.  We are completing a study we began last week. Here we find the SAD situation of God’s people joining others to MOCK the very Son of God. Yes, THEY MOCKED Him.

Also, we begin a study of Galatians chapter 1. Here Paul defends his apostolic authority because his authority had been attacked by Judaizing false teachers. Please listen by clicking

They Mocked Him

Walking in Truth: called of GodIn our message to the radio listening audience on October 27, we finish one study and begin another. We finished the study about THE BEGINNING OF CHRISTIANITY and we took up an important study of the cross. One of the matters Jesus had to deal with as He went to Calvary for you and me was the taunting disrespect of His own people. How very SAD! How very much LOVE He showed us! How very important was His willingness to endure the mocking and the disgusting spittle on His face! How much you and I ought to love and worship Him for His great gift! You can listen to this presentation by clicking .

Beginning of Christianity

Walking in Truth: called of GodI once came across a great message from Joe Corley. On October 20, I used it to present a message to our radio audience about THE BEGINNING OF CHRISTIANITY.

Christianity did not begin as a practical religion until after the ascension of Christ. The stage had been set for the beginning of the Christian religion. Jesus had come, lived among men, fulfilled the law and offered a satisfactory sacrifice for sins. Jesus had been raised from the dead and in so doing He had supplied the life and vitality needed for the spread of Christianity. Now it would be possible to go forth with the important and exciting message that—WE SERVE A RISEN SAVIOR!!! The excitement and joy of such a message begged to be distributed far and wide. The apostles had been selected and trained for their work of spreading the message of salvation and recording the message. His final orders to His apostles were for them to remain in Jerusalem until the Spirit came (Acts 1:1-11). Jesus ascended to the Father (1:9-10), and did send the Holy Spirit upon the apostles, and Christianity had its birth (Acts 2).

Listen to the recording by clicking .